Friday 27 May 2011

Musk Deer Grain How To Tell it's Real?

Hello everyone. This is Heavenrealm, icon for exotic nature scent. Today i am going to share my experience with you on real musk deer grain. 

How can a layman knows that if what he/she possessed are real musk deer grain?

Do you know that Musk grain is edible in a nominal micro amount? Musk is traditionally used as a catalyst in Chinese medicinal remedy to cure many ailment like asthma, blood cot, increase metabolism, strengthen immune system, aid in concentration and boast sexually ability. 

ジャコウジカ 麝科 사향노루과 Moschidae Rusa kesturi 100%Natural Rare

In long Ancient time During China Qing Dynasty emperor Kangxi drunk deer blood for health and as a tonic to strengthen the body immune system. Musk exist very long time ago for internal usage as a medicinal catalyst and externally for it's fragrances.

One can taste it orally; a micro-0.01cc to find out.  It's safe as no one had reportedly allergy or post deadly effect from oral consumption.

You will experience the below effects within 1hour time
  1. Taste cooling & melt in your tongue, slightly bitter with aromatic spur of nature.I put 1 piece in my mouth when i kiss my girl.. : )   
  2. You will experience heat;warm sensation throughout your body because it aid blood circulation.. this often give in to sexual credibility 
  3.  It is easily dissolve in water as a brownish sometimes black molten liquid. But will not dissolve in oil.
  4.  The light scented ammonia influx of soothing fragrance could be scent from few meters (3 meters) after being left stagnant in open area.
  5. The irregularity and forms of musk deer grain simply cannot be emulate as it's too natural and complex in it's existing form of irregularity. 

The above mentioned 5 traits are the genuine checklist for Pure,Natural Real Musk. I shall touch on the controversial issue of  musk deer grain ownership in the next blog. Follow Me.

Genuine Legitimate Musk Deer Grain Supply